Sofie De Kimpe
Sofie De Kimpe is a fulltime professor at the Department of Criminology of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Her main research interests focus on the police, police education, police organization, police practices (ex.FWO research: Stop & search, police interrogation of young offenders) and police policy (ex. Belspo: The impact of policing terrorism policy on polarisation in society).
Besides her scientific activities at the University she’s also a member of different editorial boards: the Board of the Flemish Centre of Police Studies (CPS) and the editorial board of the CPS-Cahiers (
She is a founder and current member of the Steering Group of the ESC Working Group on Policing (
Finally, she is also currently the Chair of the Education Board of the Department of Criminology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Current teaching:
Profiel Politie en Veiligheid (Profile Policing and Security)
Politionele Organisatie en Beleid (Police Organisation and Policy)
Methoden van Criminologisch Onderzoek II: onderzoeksdesign en dataverzamelingsmethoden (Methods of Criminological research II: research design and methods)
Management en beleid van de strafrechtelijke keten (Management and Policy within the Penal Law System)
Previous education:
Master in Sociology; Master in Political Science (Public Administration Science); Doctor in Criminology
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels