Disseminating and Popularizing Critical Race Approaches in Sociology: Reflections on Two Co-Writing Experiences (in French).
As a part of the Critical Approaches to Race Seminar Series Solène Brun will discuss key themes from her co-authored work with Claire Cosquer, recently published by Textuel. The discussion will focus on the dynamics of white domination, examining why it is crucial to frame the conversation in terms of domination rather than privilege. Brun will also reflect on the methodologies used in studying whiteness, a racial position often left unspoken in social discourse.
This event will be held in French.
About the Speaker:
Solène Brun holds a PhD in sociology and has been a CNRS research fellow since 2023. Her research focuses on racial issues and racialization processes in France. Together with Claire Cosquer, she authored 'Sociologie de la race' (Armand Colin, 2022) and 'La domination blanche' (Textuel, 2024). Additionally, she published 'Derrière le mythe métis' (La Découverte, 2024).
If you want to join this seminar, please send us an email at birmm@vub.be