Universities, Black students, and the (re)production of whiteness through securitisation
As part of the Critical Approaches to Race Seminar Series, we are honored to welcome Remi Joseph-Salisbury, Reader in Sociology at the University of Manchester and visiting scholar at the City University of New York's Center for Place, Culture, and Politics.
In this thought-provoking talk, Joseph-Salisbury will examine the presence of security services and police on university campuses and their disproportionate impact on racially minoritized students, particularly Black students. Drawing on high-profile case studies and original research, he explores how the construction of the university as a ‘white space’ positions Black students as ‘space invaders’ or ‘bodies out of place.’
Introducing the concept of whitening-securitization, Joseph-Salisbury highlights the critical yet overlooked role of security services in perpetuating institutional racism and maintaining whiteness within Higher Education. This approach provides a deeper understanding of how campus securitization reproduces structural inequities.
About the Speaker:
Joseph-Salisbury's extensive work focuses on racisms and antiracisms, with a special emphasis on education and policing. His influential publications include Anti-Racist Scholar-Activism (2021), which won the 2023 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award, and The Fire Now: Anti-Racism in Times of Explicit Racial Violence (2018).
If you want yo join this seminar, please send us an email at birmm@vub.be