Paul De Hert
Paul De Hert is an international fundamental rights expert. His work is devoted to human rights law, constitutionalism in an historical perspective, technology and criminal law. He is interested both in legal practice and more fundamental reflections about law.
At Brussels, Paul De Hert holds the chair of ‘Criminal Law & International and European Criminal Law’ . In the past he has held the chair of ‘Human Rights’, ‘Legal theory’, ‘Historical introduction to constitutional systems around the world’ and ‘Constitutional criminal law’. He is Director of the VUB-Research group on Fundamental Rights and Constitutionalism(FRC), Director of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Law (Metajuridics), Co-Director the Research group Law Science Technology & Society (LSTS) and Co-Director of the Brussels Privacy Hub. He is an associated-professor at Tilburg University where he teaches ‘Privacy and Data Protection’.
He is member of the editorial boards of several national and international scientific journals such as the Inter-American and European Human Rights Journal (Intersentia), Criminal Law & Philosophy (Springer) and The Computer Law & Security Review (Elsevier). He is co-editor in chief of the Supranational Criminal Law Series (Intersentia) and the New Journal of European Criminal Law (Intersentia). He is editor in chief of the Flemish human rights journal Tijdschrift voor Mensenrechten.
Paul De Hert would be interested in supervising PhD studies in the following areas: Human Rights Theory, selected topics of Human Rights Law (elderly, health, criminal law); Transnational Police Cooperation; International Criminal Law; Justice and Home Affairs matters in the EU, topics related to: Data Protection, Europol, Eurojust, the European Arrest Warrant, Border Security.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels