As part of its Series of More-Than-Human Encounters (2020-2021), the VUB CrossTalks invites you to its event with Zakiyyah Iman Jackson. Zakiyyah will share her innovative thinking on the intricate relations between race, species and the idea of ‘the human’. Tundé Adefioye (co-editor of the VUB Poincare Book on Migration, Equality and Racism: 44 Opinions) will be the host. You can learn more about the speaker for the event and get your tickets at the VUB Crosstalk website.
This program is organized by the Race & Research Network at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, in cooperation with RHEA, VUB Crosstalks, Kaaitheater and the Race-Religion Constellation project at Radboud Universiteit in the Netherlands.