Spotlight on BIRMM publication
Ever wondered how unaccompanied refugee minors get support in Brussels?
Check out our latest spotlight on a BIRMM publication shedding light on the Belgian support system for these young individuals. The landscape is fragmented, with various actors involved. Collaboration is key to ensuring the well-being of the minors.
How do NGOs and public institutions work together to ensure the well-being of unaccompanied refugee minors in Belgium, both before and after adulthood? What obstacles hinder effective collaboration?

In their research, Liesbet De Backer, Ilse Derluyn, and Nick Schuermans explore collaboration patterns among professionals assisting unaccompanied minors in Brussels. They conducted 17 in-depth interviews with representatives from diverse Belgian organisations and institutions that operate at various policy levels. The study uncovers deficiencies and obstacles in collaborating with the web of actors.
Discover the insights into the needs of minors, organizational responses, and dynamics of collaboration. There is room for improvement, especially in areas like information exchange, case transfer, and coordination. Addressing the challenges requires organizational and structural adjustments. The actors need to consider factors like time pressure, understaffing, stress, and high turnover.
The authors show that progress needs to be made in the Belgian support system for unaccompanied refugee minors, offering valuable insights and suggesting tools to improve cooperation in the network.
Explore the full publication here: https://www.tandfonline.com/.../10.../13691457.2022.2145598