Jenneke Christiaens
Jenneke Christiaens is fulltime Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She is the present chair of the Criminology Department. Her research interests concern juvenile justice practices, youth delinquency as well as (youth) crime, public space and the city.
Her current research focuses on: (1) the judicial trajectories of youngsters into adulthood, desistance and the impact of judicial intervention from a life history perspective; (2) the detention of young people;
(3) gendered youth justice practices; (4) judging juveniles in court; and (5) youngsters, their use(s) of public space and criminalization.
Current teaching:
Theoretische Criminologie en Victimologie ; Jeugdrecht en jeugdcriminologie (Juvenile Justice and Youth Criminology)
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels