Organized by: BIRMM (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), CEDEM (Université de Liège), CESSMIR (Ghent University) & The Network on Migration and Global Mobility (University of Antwerp).
Migration studies have, for long, largely ignored the study of racism. Recent calls for the decolonization of the university and Black Lives Matter 2020 led to the gradual entry of the study of race, racism and colonialism into the migration studies field. Whilst developed apart in the past, mainstream migration studies and race critical studies (from postcolonial, to decolonial, to critical race studies, Black studies and more) are slowly starting to dialogue. This IMISCOE PhD school aims at bringing together PhD researchers with experienced scholars, activists, practitioners, and artists to explore how the more mainstream social sciences on migration, racism and discrimination and race critical studies can learn from each other and (im)possibly integrate, and how we can contribute to more racial justice.
In this IMISCOE PhD school we will reflect upon how racism and race have been discussed by migration studies, and race critical studies (postcolonial and decolonial studies, critical race theories, Black Studies, ...) drawing on different epistemologies, conceptualizations and theorizations. We will explore the state of the art around the topic of migration, race and racism and discuss different theorizations and methodological approaches and challenges including measuring manifestations of racism and discrimination. We will consider different manifestations of racism – from the evident to the more elusive, from particular incidents to systemic forms – and their consequences, at both individual and societal levels. Particular attention will be given to creative methodological approaches and innovative theoretical frameworks, as well as to more pragmatic and normative approaches to tackle racism and discrimination.
The PhD school will offer a platform for a fruitful interdisciplinary exchange which will allow PhD researchers to develop creative approaches to the study of racism and migration and to develop new insights.
The programme consists of keynote lectures, discussions, interactive panels with scholars, artists, activists and practitioners and intensive feedback sessions. Each participant will present his or her work and be assigned a keynote speaker or local expert for one-on-one feedback.
To ensure that events remain safe and inclusive, IMISCOE has created the IMISCOE Code of Conduct for online, hybrid and face-to-face events. In case I have questions or wish to discuss potential breaches of the Code of Conduct during the 2023 PhD School, I will contact the trustee Hannah Vermaut.
Confirmed speakers & organisations includeD:
Anissa Boujdaini · Lisette Lombé · Anders Neergaard · Patrick Simon · Amal Miri · Parvati Raghuram · Guia Gilardoni ·Nikolett Szelei · Giacomo Orsini · Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe · Umut Erel · Dounia Bourabain · Sarah Adeyinka ·John Solomos · KifKif · Levl · MRAX
Academic coordinators: Prof. Ilke Adam (BIRMM, VUB), Dr. Hannah Vermaut (BIRMM, VUB), Dr. Sibel Top (BIRMM, VUB), Prof. Marco Martiniello (CEDEM, ULiège), Dr. Floor Verhaeghe (CESSMIR, UGent), Prof. Sorana Toma (CESSMIR, UGent), Dr. Amal Miri (Network on Migration and Global Mobility, UAntwerp), Dr. Milena Belloni (Network on Migration and Global Mobility, UAntwerp).
This PhD school has been organised with the support of : IMISCOE, CESSMIR, CEDEM, the Network on Migration and Global Mobility, BIRMM, the doctoral school of the University of Antwerp, the International Relations Office of VUB, the doctoral school of human sciences of VUB, the doctoral school of the University of Ghent, and the Ecole doctorale Thématique en sciences sociales of FNRS.
VUB, Pleinlaan 5