Florian Trauner
With 20 years of experience, Florian Trauner has acquired extensive knowledge on issues relating to European governance, in particular on EU migration, asylum and internal security policies as well as the EU promotion of rule of law. He is a professor of political science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and is acting as the dean of the VUB’s Brussels School of Governance. He was also a founding co-director of the VUB Interdisciplinary Centre of Expertise for Migration and Minorities (BIRMM). A graduate of the Universities of Vienna and Copenhagen, he received his PhD in 2008 (with distinction) and his habilitation in 2015.
His work has appeared in leading academic journals including West European Politics, the Journal of Common Market Studies, the Journal of European Public Policy and the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies as well as publishing houses such as Oxford University Press. Prof. Trauner has (co-)directed externally funded projects dealing with EU-West African migration cooperation, the role of supranational EU institutions in Justice and Home Affairs, and the impact of EU-financed migration information campaigns in third countries. At present, he is responsible for an ERC Runner-up project on ‘coercive EU mobility rules’ funded by the Flemish Research Fund (FWO).
Florian Trauner regularly teaches a class on EU immigration policy at the College of Europe (Natolin campus) and held permanent or visiting positions at the University of Vienna, the University of Renmin in China, Science Po Paris, and the EU Institute for Security Studies. He also acted as an external expert and evaluator of projects for the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the International Organisation for Migration.Prof. Dr. Florian Trauner is a Director of the Research Centre for Migration, Diversity and Justice (C-MDJ) and holds the Jean Monnet Chair 'EXPAND - Explaining Resilience in EU Justice and Home Affairs'. Together with Ilke Adam, he also coordinates the VUB Interdisciplinary Centre of Expertise on Migration and Minorities (BIRMM).
Research Expertise: EU; asylum; migration; border control; return policies; countries of migrants' origin; fundamental rights; EU agencies;
Research Methodology: qualitative methods (expert interviews, focus groups, etc.)
Institute for European Studies, Pleinlaan 5
1050 Brussels