Christina Bache
Christina Bache is an Associate Researcher at the Centre for Migration, Diversity, and Justice at the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). At BSOG, she teaches the graduate course on Non-Traditional Security Threats, the graduate Capstone course, and the undergraduate course on the United Nations and Global Governance.
Christina holds a PhD in Politics and International Studies from the University of Warwick in the UK. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the impact of the private sector on human (economic) security and peace in fragile and conflict-affected environments. She received her Master’s degree in International Peace and Conflict Resolution and a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from American University in Washington, DC. She has held visiting fellowships at the London School of Economics and Political Science, IDEAS, Queen’s University, and the Wilfried Martens Center for European Studies. Christina’s research interests are in forced migration, livelihood security of vulnerable groups, women’s meaningful inclusion, and the role of the private sector in fragile and conflict-affected environments, thus leaning on SDG 16, peace, justice, and strong institutions and SDG 5 on Gender Equality.
She has conducted numerous peace & conflict assessments & strategic evaluations in the humanitarian-development-peace nexus for the International Labour Organisation, International Organization for Migration, European Parliament, German Development Agency (GIZ), CIPE, SPARK, & Verite. Her leadership roles include serving on the International Solidarity Committee of the Uccle Brussels commune, Board of Trustees of the United Nations Association UK Chapter, Chair of the International Crisis Group’s Ambassador Council, Chair of the United Nations Global Compact, Principles for Responsible Management Education Working Group, Co-Founder of the Women in Foreign Policy Turkey Chapter, and Administrator of the Syria Support Network.
Recent Publication(s)
Bache, C. (2025). The Impact of the Private Sector on Peace and Security in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In Y. Sidani (Ed.), Routledge Handbook on Business and Management in the Middle East (pp. 11–20). Routledge, Oxon, UK
Research Expertise: Multi-disciplinary, focusing on responsible business practices, livelihood security and financial inclusion of vulnerable groups, forced migration, and meaningful participation of women in fragile and conflict-affected environments
Research Methodology: Qualitative research methods