Catherine Xhardez
Catherine Xhardez is currently an FWO Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for European Studies (IES). With her research project entitled “The immigration-federalism nexus: Taking the subnational level seriously”, she is conducting a comparative research agenda focusing on dynamics of immigration policymaking at the subnational level in federal states. She was previously a Postdoctoral Fellow at Concordia University (Canada). She holds a dual PhD in Political Science from Sciences Po Paris and Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles. She graduated in Political Science from Sciences Po Paris and in Law from the VUB. More generally, her research focuses on immigration, immigrant integration, federalism, and comparative public policy.
Research Expertise: Immigration, immigrant integration, federalism, sub-state nationalism, comparative public policy
Research Methodology: Comparative approach; Qualitative study
To learn more about my research, please check out my website: https://catherinexhardez.com/
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