The Afroeuropeans Network is happy to announce that the 8th Biennial Network conference will take place from the 22nd of 24th of September 2022 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). This year's topic will be about intersectional challenges in Afroeuropean communities and the call for papers and panels is now open. You can either submit a panel (including chair and presenters) or an individual paper addressing a topic related to one of the 7 conference streams:
1. Intersectionality as theory, practice and movement: Re-centering black feminist legacies
2. Structural racism, racialization and exploitation
3. Policy, activism and political representation
4. Afropean Literature and arts: Aesthetics & politics
5. Health, racial inequalities and intersectionality
6. Decolonizing knowledge, spaces and institutions: From activism to transformative change
7. Contemporary blackness and black histories in urban Europe
Proposals are invited by the 28th of February 2022 and the committee will communicate their decisions by 31 March.
More information on application and the streams can be found their website.