Registrations for the Research Day are closed.

We are welcoming you to our next Research Day, jointly organized by the Brussels Interdisciplinary Research centre on Migration and Minorities (BIRMM), the strategic research programme on 'Evaluating Democratic Governance in Europe' (EDGE) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels, the Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR) of Ghent University and the Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS) of the University of Antwerp. This year, we will focus on the topic: “Visual, spatial & affective participatory research methods”.
The Research Day will be held on the 5th of May 2022 from 9-17 am. In the morning, we will organize keynote lectures. In the afternoon, we will organize different parallel sessions and networking events. We will end the day, with another keynote lecture on the “Visual and affective methods in valorisation in migration studies”. The Research Day will – if possible - be held in person at the VUB, Brussels (Pleinlaan 5). Everyone affiliated with the VUB, UA and UGent is welcome to participate.
Full Program:
Parallel Workshops:
- Visual PRM in Migration Studies: Kevin Smets (VUB) & Olga Petintseva (UGent) - 'Visual methods in migration research: reflections and strategies' (FULL!)
- Affective PRM in Migration Studies: Louise Knops (VUB) - 'Working with affect in social sciences: the concept of affective arrangements'
- Spatial PRM in Migration Studies: Luce Beeckmans (UGent), Dounia Salamé (UGent), Hala El Moussawi (VUB) & Marjolein Schepers (KULeuven) - 'Participatory Mapping: Ethics and subjectivities of spatial research methods'