Adam, Ilke (Editor) ; D'Agostino, Serena (Editor) ; Schuermans, Nick (Editor) ; Adefioye, Tundé (Editor) ; Trauner, Florian (Editor). / Migration, Equality, Racism – 44 Opinions. VUBPRESS, 2021. 258 p.
Adam, Ilke ; Adefioye, Tundé ; D'Agostino, Serena ; Schuermans, Nick ; Trauner, Florian. / Migratie, Gelijkheid & Racisme. 44 Opinies. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. 274 p.
Adam, Ilke ; Kalonji, Billy. / Yes, Mr Charles Michel, Apologizing for Colonial Atrocities is One of the Tools to Combat Underemployment Among Afro-descendants. Migration, Equality and Racism. 44 Opinions. editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena d'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Trauner. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 121-127
Badran, Yazan ; Loisen, Jan ; Smets, Kevin. / Local associative media in Tunisia and the value of voice. In: Journal of North African Studies. 2021.
Breuls, Lars ; Beyens, Kristel. / You don’t belong here!’: Expulsion doubles the punishment for one criminal offence. Migration, equality & racism. editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena D'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Trauner. Brussel : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 240-243
Breuls, Lars ; Beyens, Kristel. / ‘Jij hoort hier niet thuis!’: Uitzetting verdubbelt de straf voor een strafbaar feit. Migratie, gelijkheid & racisme. editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena D'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Trauner. Brussel : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 256-259
D'Agostino, Serena. / Anti-Gypsyism: When a ‘Specific’ Form of Racism Is Considered ‘Reasonable’. Migration, Equality and Racism - 44 Opinions. editor / Serena D'Agostino ; Ilke Adam ; Florian Trauner ; Nick Schuermans ; Tundé Adefioye. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 206-209
Knops, Louise. / Stuck between the modern and the terrestrial: the indignation of the youth for climate movement. In: Political Research Exchange. 2021 ; Vol. 3, No. 1. pp. 1-31.
Mastari, Laora Noémie ; Spruyt, Bram ; Siongers, Jessy. / Preadolescents’ Stereotypical Occupational Preferences: a Matter of Competence or Culture?. In: Child Indicators Research. 2021.
Mastari, Laora Noémie ; Keppens, Gil Antoine ; Spruyt, Bram ; Van Droogenbroeck, Filip ; Emery, Laura ; Siongers, Jessy. / Connected and satisfied. The relationship between ethnic connectedness, life satisfaction and ethnic school composition among adolescents from nine ethnic groups. In: International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 2021 ; Vol. 80. pp. 250-261.
Rosskamp, Michael ; Verbeeck, Julie ; Gadeyne, Sylvie ; Verdoodt, Freija ; De Schutter, Harlinde. / Social Inequalities in Cancer Survival in Belgium: A Population-Based Cohort Study. In: Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention. 2021 ; Vol. 30, No. 1. pp. 45-52.
Schepers, Marjolein. / Changing infrastructures of transient migration: The impact of transport revolutions on the urban fabric in the Low Countries, 18th-19th c. Paper presented at Techno-Natures and Urban Transformations, Aarhus, Denmark.
Schneider, Hanna Elisabeth ; Sadder, Israa. / Not all refugees want to come to Europe. Most stay close to home. Migration, Equality and Racism. 44 Opinions, Brussels. VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 67-70
Sundberg Diez, Olivia ; Trauner, Florian. / Return Sponsorships – High Stakes, Low Gains?. In: European Policy Centre. 2021.
Van Hemelrijck, Wanda ; Rosskamp, Michael ; De Schutter, Harlinde ; Verdoodt, Freija ; Vanthomme, Katrien. / Cancer risk among individuals of migrant origin in Belgium during the 2000s – Evidence of migration as a ‘cancer risk transition’?. In: Social Science & Medicine. 2021 ; Vol. 269.
Van Houte, Marieke ; Leerkes, Arjen ; Slipper, Alice ; Breuls, Lars. / Globalised citizenship and the perceived legitimacy of immigration control: narratives and acts of resistance in immigration detention. In: Migration Studies. 2021 ; pp. 1-23.
André, Géraldine ; Charafi, Safaa ; Westerveen, Laura ; Bourabain, Dounia. / Brussels is Tarred with Racism. Migration, Equality & Racism: 44 Opinions. editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena D'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Trauner. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 199-202
Bourabain, Dounia ; Westerveen, Laura ; Charafi, Safaa ; André, Géraldine. / Tackling Racism in Brussels: Yes We Can!. Migration, Equality & Racism: 44 Opinions. editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena D'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Trauner. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 220-223
Slominski, Peter ; Trauner, Florian. / Reforming me softly: how soft law has changed EU return policy since the migration crisis. In: West European Politics. 2021 ; Vol. 44, No. 1. pp. 93-113.
D'Agostino, Serena. / (In)visible Mobilizations. Romani Women’s Intersectional Activisms in Romania and Bulgaria. In: Politics, Groups and Identities. 2021 ; Vol. 9, No. 1. pp. 170-189.
Bourabain, Dounia. / Shiny on the Outside, Rotten on the Inside? Perceptions of Female Early Career Researchers on Diversity Policies in Higher Education Institutions. In: Higher Education Policy. 2021 ; Vol. 2021. pp. 1-19.
Faris, Jiyan ; Maeseele, Pieter ; Smets, Kevin. / Newspaper advertising in a non-transparent media market: the case of Iraqi Kurdistan (2014-2018). In: International Journal of Communication. 2021 ; Vol. 15, No. 1. pp. 1393-1413.
Ronse, Maya ; Irani, Julia ; Gryseels, Charlotte ; Smekens, Tom ; Ekukole, Serge ; Teh Monteh, Caroline ; Tatah Ntaimah, Peter ; Dierickx, Susan ; Verdonck, Kristien ; Colebunders, Robert ; Njamnshi, Alfred K ; O'Neill, Sarah ; Peeters Grietens, Koen. / In pursuit of a cure : The plural therapeutic landscape of onchocerciasis-associated epilepsy in Cameroon - A mixed methods study. In: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2021 ; Vol. 15, No. 2.
Van Droogenbroeck, Filip ; Spruyt, Bram ; Quittre, Valérie ; Lafontaine, Dominique. / Does the School Context Really Matter for Teacher Burnout? Review of Existing Multilevel Teacher Burnout Research and Results From the Teaching and Learning International Survey 2018 in the Flemish- and French-Speaking Communities of Belgium. In: Educational Researcher. 2021.
Bauwelinck, Mariska ; Casas, Lidia ; Nawrot, Tim S ; Nemery, Benoit ; Trabelsi, Sonia ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Aerts, Raf ; Lefebvre, Wouter ; Vanpoucke, Charlotte ; Van Nieuwenhuyse, An ; Deboosere, Patrick ; Vandenheede, Hadewijch. / Residing in urban areas with higher green space is associated with lower mortality risk : A census-based cohort study with ten years of follow-up. In: Environment International. 2021 ; Vol. 148.
Martiniello, Billie Ann Marisa ; Verhaeghe, Pieter-Paul. / Discriminatie op de huurwoningmarkt van Leuven. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Interface Demography, 2021. 28 p.
Top, Sibel. / The Waiver of Immunity of Catalan MEPs: Reintroducing Politics in EU Extradition Law. In: EJIL:Talk! - Blog of the European Journal of International Law. 2021.
Valverde, José Rubio ; Mackenbach, Johan ; Bopp, Matthias ; Brønnum-Hansen, Henrik ; Deboosere, Patrick ; Kalediene, Ramune ; Kovács, Katalin ; Leinsalu, Mall ; Martikainen, Pekka ; Regidor, Enrique ; Strand, Bjørn Heine ; Nusselder, Wilma. / Determinants of educational inequalities in disability-free life expectancy between ages 35 and 80 in Europe. In: SSM - Population Health. 2021 ; Vol. 13. pp. 100740.
Vanthomme, Katrien. / Lung cancer incidence differences in migrant men in Belgium, 2004–2013: histology-specific analyses. In: BMC Cancer. 2021 ; Vol. 21, No. 1.
Vanthomme, Katrien ; Vandenheede, Hadewijch. / Factors Associated with Return Migration of First-Generation Immigrants in Belgium (2001–2011). In: European Journal of Population. 2021 ; Vol. 2021. pp. 1-22.
De Proost, Michiel ; Coene, Gily ; Nekkebroeck, Julie ; Provoost, Veerle. / Beyond individualisation: towards a more contextualised understanding of women’s social egg freezing experiences. In: Journal of Medical Ethics. 2021.
López Guzmán, Francisco Javier ; Borocz, Istvan Mate ; De Hert, Paul. / INTREPID D1.4 Data Innovation IPR Management Plan. 2021.
López Guzmán, Francisco Javier ; Borocz, Istvan Mate ; De Hert, Paul. / INTREPID SELAB Terms of reference. 2021.
López Guzmán, Francisco Javier ; Borocz, Istvan Mate ; De Hert, Paul. / INTREPID D10.4 POPD - Requirement n 4. 2021.
López Guzmán, Francisco Javier ; Borocz, Istvan Mate ; De Hert, Paul. / INTREPID D10.3 POPD Requirement n3. 2021.
López Guzmán, Francisco Javier ; Borocz, Istvan Mate ; De Hert, Paul. / INTREPID D3.4 SEL by Design Questionnaire. 2021.
López Guzmán, Francisco Javier ; Borocz, Istvan Mate ; De Hert, Paul. / INTREPID D10.1 H - Requirement n 1. 2021.
López Guzmán, Francisco Javier ; Borocz, Istvan Mate ; De Hert, Paul. / INTREPID D3.1 Data Protection Privacy Ethics Social Acceptance. 2021.
Janssen, Jeroen ; Spruyt, Bram ; Vandenbroeck, Michel. / Is everybody happy? Exploring the predictability of parent satisfaction with childcare in Flanders. In: Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 2021 ; Vol. 55, No. (Second Quarter). pp. 97-106.
Bekers, Elisabeth ; Helen, Cousins. / Helen Oyeyemi at the Vanguard of Innovation in Contemporary Black British Women’s Literature. Women Writers and Experimental Narratives: Early Modern to Contemporary. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. pp. 227-243
Celis, Karen. / Ethnic Diversity in Brussels Politics: The Next Level. Migration, Equality & Racism. 44 Opinions. . editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena D'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Trauner. Brussels : VUBPress, 2021. pp. 181-183
Chipenembe Ngale, Maria Judite Mário ; Coene, Gily ; Longman, Chia. / "Eu sou ela/ele": "Transgender" and Gender Fluidity in Mozambique. Gendering the Portuguese-Speaking World. From The Middle Ages to the Present. editor / Francisco Bethencourt. Vol. 33 Brill, 2021. pp. 229-250 (European Expansion and Indigenous People).
Coene, Gily. / Naar een radicale 'politiek van de mens'. Migratie, gelijkheid en racisme : 44 opinies . editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena D'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Trauner. VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 27-31
Coene, Gily. / Towards a Radical Politics of the Human. Migration, equality and racism : 44 Opinions . editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena D'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Tauner. VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 25-29
D'Agostino, Serena. / (Un)Safe Spaces for Intersectional Activism. Romani Women’s Responses to Transnational Political Opportunities. In: European Journal of Politics and Gender. 2021.
D'Agostino, Serena. / Intersectional Feminist Activisms in Europe: Invisibility, Inclusivity and Affirmation. Handbook of Feminist Governance. editor / Marian Sawer ; Lee Ann Banaszak ; Jacqui True ; Johanna Kantola. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2021.
Dierickx, Susan ; De Proost, Michiel ; Huang, Anny Y ; Ceesay, Sainey ; Clarke, Ed ; Balen, Julie. / The Nairobi Summit and Reproductive Justice: Unmet needs for people with infertility. In: The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene . 2021.
Emery, Laura ; Laurijssen, Ilse ; Boone, Simon ; van Noord, Jochem. / The Opacity of the Education System Creates Disadvantages for Pupils with Migration backgrounds. Adam, I., Adefioye, T., D'Agostino, S., Schuermans, N. & Trauner, F. (eds.), Migration Equality & Racism. 44 Opinions. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 98-101
Emery, Laura ; Laurijssen, Ilse ; Boone, Simon ; van Noord, Jochem. / Het gebrek aan transparantie in het onderwijssysteem werkt nadelig voor leerlingen met een migratieachtergrond. Adam, I., Adefioye, T., D'Agostino, S., Schuermans, N. & Trauner, F. (eds.), Migratie, Gelijkheid & Racisme. 44 Opinies. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 102-105
Imeraj, Lena ; Bircan, Tuba. / Recognising Diversity: Not 'If' but 'How'. Migration, Equality & Racism. editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena D'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Trauner. Brussels : ASP / VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 235-239
Keppens, Gil Antoine ; Spruyt, Bram. / Ongeoorloofd afwezig zijn in Vlaanderen. In: JGZ Tijdschrift voor jeugdgezondheidszorg. 2021.
Keppens, Gil Antoine ; Spruyt, Bram. / Het belang van schoolbinding. In: JGZ Tijdschrift voor jeugdgezondheidszorg. 2021.
Keppens, Gil Antoine ; Spruyt, Bram. / Uitdagingen voor de implementatie van een spijbelbeleid op schoolniveau: een onderzoekende houding ten aanzien van registratiegegevens als casestudy. Verschillen in onderwijs. Streven naar excellentie en gelijke onderwijskansen. editor / Geert Devos ; Melissa Tuytens. Brussel : Politeia, 2021. pp. 236-254
Maes, Eric ; Beyens, Kristel. / Waarheen met de strafuitvoering?. In: Panopticon: Tijdschrift voor Strafrecht, Criminologie en Forensisch Welzijnswerk. 2021 ; Vol. 42, No. 1. pp. 1-6.
Sass, Victoria ; Gadeyne, Sylvie. / Social disparities in survival from head and neck cancers in Europe. Social environment and cancer in Europe: towards an evidence-based public health policy. editor / Guy Launoy ; Vesna Zadnick ; Michel Coleman . Springer, 2021.
Siongers, Jessy ; Spruyt, Bram ; Van Droogenbroeck, Filip ; Bongaerts, Balder ; Kavadias, Dimokritos. / TALIS 2018 Vlaanderen - Verdiepend rapport diversiteit. Brussel : Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2021. 84 p.
Smets, Kevin. / Book review: Visual Global Politics. In: The International Journal of Press/Politics. 2021 ; Vol. 26, No. 1. pp. 300-302.
Te Braak, Petrus ; Mastari, Laora Noémie ; Lemblé, Hélène ; Keppens, Gil Antoine. / Eenheid in diversiteit: de lijm van de Brusselse identiteit. Migratie, Gelijkheid & Racisme. 44 Opinies.. editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena D'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Trauner. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 243-246
Te Braak, Petrus ; Mastari, Laora Noémie ; Lemblé, Hélène ; Keppens, Gil Antoine. / The Brussels Identity Glues Everyone Together. Migration Equality & Racism. 44 Opinions.. editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena D'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Trauner. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 228-230
Top, Sibel. / Prosecuting political dissent: discussing the relevance of the political offence exception in EU extradition law in light of the Catalan independence crisis. In: New Journal of European Criminal Law. 2021.
Van Buggenhout, Marijke Caroline ; Fadil, Nadia ; Dumortier, Els. / Belgian Children in Syria Should Not Pay for the Sins of Their Parents. Migration, Equality & Racism - 44 opinions. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 244-246
Van Droogenbroeck, Filip ; Spruyt, Bram ; Siongers, Jessy. / Tolerance Towards LGBT Can Be Developed from within Religions. Migration Equality & Racism. 44 Opinions.. editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena D'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Trauner. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 189-193
Van Droogenbroeck, Filip ; Spruyt, Bram ; Siongers, Jessy. / Tolerantie ten aanzien van LGBT's kan van in religies worden ontwikkeld. Migratie, Gelijkheid & Racisme. 44 Opinies.. editor / Ilke Adam ; Tundé Adefioye ; Serena D'Agostino ; Nick Schuermans ; Florian Trauner. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 200-204
Vergaert, Eva ; Withaeckx, Sophie ; Coene, Gily. / Betrokken vertwijfeling: een intersectionele analyse van partnergeweld in de huisartsenpraktijk. In: Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies. 2021.
Verhaeghe, Pieter-Paul. / Discrimination tests: A potential stepping stone for human rights?. Migration, Equality and Racism. 44 opinions. ASP / VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 224-227
Verhaeghe, Pieter-Paul. / Praktijktesten: springplank naar mensenrechten?. Migratie, gelijkheid en racisme. 44 opinies. ASP / VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 239-242
Zohar, Gabriel. / From -but not of- Europe: The Vicious Cycle of Inequalities in Belgium. Migration, Equality & Racism: 44 Opinions. Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2021. pp. 231-234
Janssen, Jeroen ; Spruyt, Bram ; Vandenbroeck, Michel. / Is everybody happy? Exploring the predictability of parent satisfaction with childcare in Flanders. In: Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 2021 ; Vol. 55, No. (Second Quarter). pp. 97-106.
Liebling, Alison ; Johnsen, Berit ; Schmidt, Bethany ; Rokkan, Tore ; Beyens, Kristel ; Boone, Miranda ; Kox, Mieke ; Vanhouche, An-Sofie. / Where two ‘exceptional’ prison cultures meet: Negotiating order in a transnational prison. In: British Journal of Criminology. 2021 ; Vol. 61, No. 1. pp. 41-60.
Majdoub, Soumaya ; Deboosere, Patrick. / Malthusian Fears in Current Migration Debates : When the Pseudo-Science of Numbers is Used Against Humanity. Migration, equality & racism: 44 Opinions. ASP, 2021. pp. 49-53
Tacea, Angela ; Trauner, Florian. / The European and national parliaments in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: do more interparliamentary fora lead to stronger cooperation?. In: Journal of Legislative Studies. 2021.
Verhaeghe, Pieter-Paul ; Ghekiere, Abel. / The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on ethnic discrimination on the housing market. In: European Societies. 2021 ; Vol. 23, No. 1. pp. S384-S399.