Discover our full list of publications from 2020
Adam, Ilke. / Gesloten grenzen : een uitgelezen kans voor bezinning over een nieuw migratie-beleid. Post-viraal naar een nieuw normaal. : VUB stemmen over de impact van corona op onze samenleving. Brussel : VUBPRESS, 2020. pp. 153-156
Ajayi, Folashade ; Westerveen, Laura. / COVID-19: Amplifier of Racism and Inequalities. In: Institute for European studies. 2020.
Alofs, Elisabeth (Editor) ; Francois, Alain (Editor) ; Smis, Stefaan (Editor) ; Van Limberghen, Guido (Editor). / Juridische meesterwerken VUB 2017-18. Brussel : Larcier, 2020. 308 p. (Juridische meesterwerken VUB ).
Adam, Ilke ; Trauner, Florian ; Jegen, Leonie ; Roos, Christof. / West African Interests in (EU) Migration Policy: Balancing Domestic Priorities with External Incentives. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration studies. 2020 ; Vol. 46, No. 15. pp. 3101-3118.
Adam, Ilke ; Trauner, Florian ; Martens, Maud. / The migration-development nexus in selected African states: is the implementation of EU migration policies development-friendly?. Regional Integration and Migration Governance in the Global South. editor / Glen Rayp ; Ilse Ruyssen ; Katrin Marchand. New York : Springer, 2020. pp. 201-215
Aerts, Raf ; Nemery, Benoit ; Bauwelinck, Mariska ; Trabelsi, Sonia ; Deboosere, Patrick ; Van Nieuwenhuyse, An ; Nawrot, Tim S ; Casas, Lidia. / Residential green space, air pollution, socioeconomic deprivation and cardiovascular medication sales in Belgium: A nationwide ecological study. In: Science of the Total Environment. 2020 ; Vol. 712.
Andre, Géraldine ; Charafi, Safaa ; Westerveen, Laura ; Bourabain, Dounia. / Brussels is Tarred with Racism. BIRMM Book. 2020.
Beyens, Kristel ; Breuls, Lars ; De Pelecijn, Lana ; Roosen, Marijke ; Scheirs, Veerle. / Recall to prison in Belgium: Back-end sentencing in search of reintegration. In: Probation Journal. 2020 ; Vol. 67, No. 1. pp. 6-25.
Borrell, Carme ; Palència, Laia ; Marí Dell'Olmo, Marc ; Morrisson, Joana ; Deboosere, Patrick ; Gotsens, Mercè ; Dzurova, Dagmar ; Costa, Claudia ; Lustigova, Michala ; Burstrom, Bo ; Rodríguez-Sanz, Maica ; Bosakova, Lucia ; Zengarini, Nicolas ; Katsouyanni, Klea ; Santana, Paula. / Socioeconomic inequalities in suicide mortality in European urban areas before and during the economic recession. In: European Journal of Public Health. 2020 ; Vol. 30, No. 1. pp. 92-98.
Brandt, Mark J. ; Kuppens, Toon ; Spears, Russell ; Andrighetto, Luca ; Autin, Frederique ; Babincak, Peter ; Badea, Constantina ; Bae, Jaechang ; Batruch, Anatolia ; Becker, Julia C. ; Bocian, Konrad ; Bodroža, Bojana ; Bourguignon, David ; Bukowski, Marcin ; Butera, Fabrizio ; Butler, Sarah E. ; Chryssochoou, Xenia ; Conway, Paul ; Crawford, Jarret T. ; Croizet, Jean‐Claude ; de Lemus, Soledad ; Degner, Juliane ; Dragon, Piotr ; Durante, Federica ; Easterbrook, Matthew J. ; Essien, Iniobong ; Forgas, Joseph P. ; González, Roberto ; Graf, Sylvie ; Halama, Peter ; Han, Gyuseog ; Hong, Ryan Y ; Houdek, Petr ; Igou, Eric R. ; Inbar, Yoel ; Jetten, Jolanda ; Jimenez Leal, William ; Jiménez‐Moya, Gloria ; Kumar Karunagharan, Jaya ; Kende, Anna ; Korzh, Maria ; Laham, Simon M. ; Lammers, Joris ; Lim, Li ; Manstead, Antony S.R. ; Međedović, Janko ; Melton, Zachary J. ; Motyl, Matt ; Ntani, Spyridoula ; Kevin Owuamalam, Chuma ; Peker, Müjde ; Platow, Michael J. ; Prims, JP ; Reyna, Christine ; Rubin, Mark ; Saab, Rim ; Sankaran, Sindhuja ; Shepherd, Lee ; Sibley, Chris G. ; Sobkow, Agata ; Spruyt, Bram ; Stroebaek, Pernille ; Sümer, Nebi ; Sweetman, Joseph ; Teixeira, Catia ; Toma, Claudia ; Ujhelyi, Adrienn ; van der Toorn, Jojanneke ; van Hiel, Alain ; Vásquez‐ Echeverría, Alejandro ; Vazquez, Alexandra ; Vianello, Michelangelo ; Vranka, Marek ; Yzerbyt, Vincent ; Zimmerman, Jennifer L. / Subjective Status and Perceived Legitimacy across Countries. In: European Journal of Social Psychology. 2020 ; Vol. 50, No. 5. pp. 921-942.
Breuls, Lars. / Understanding immigration detention: The analytical value of practical and emotional challenges during fieldwork. In: Journal of Organizational Ethnography. 2020 ; Vol. 9, No. 2. pp. 129-142.
Breuls, Lars ; De Pelecijn, Lana ; Scheirs, Veerle ; Beyens, Kristel. / Terug naar de gevangenis? De herroepingsprocedures voor de strafuitvoeringsrechtbanken. In: Justice et Sécurité / Justitie en Veiligheid. 2020 ; No. 16. pp. 1-19.
Breuls, Lars ; De Pelecijn, Lana ; Scheirs, Veerle ; Beyens, Kristel. / Retour à la case prison? Les procédures de révocation devant les tribunaux de l'application des peines. In: Justice et Sécurité / Justitie en Veiligheid. 2020 ; No. 16. pp. 1-19.
Beyens, Kristel ; Robberechts, Jana. / Naar een 'digital turn' in het gevangeniswezen?. Post viraal naar een nieuw normaal. VUB stemmen over de impact van corona op onze samenleving. editor / Malaika Brengman. https://www.vub.be/denktank-poincare#post-viraal-naar-een-nieuw-normaal : VUBPRESS, 2020. pp. 61-68
Bauwelinck, Mariska ; Zijlema, Wilma L ; Bartoll, Xavier ; Vandenheede, Hadewijch ; Cirach, Marta ; Lefebvre, Wouter ; Vanpoucke, Charlotte ; Basagaña, Xavier ; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J ; Borrell, Carme ; Deboosere, Patrick ; Dadvand, Payam. / Residential urban greenspace and hypertension : A comparative study in two European cities. In: Environmental Research. 2020 ; Vol. 191. pp. 110032.
Bourabain, Dounia ; Verhaeghe, Pieter-Paul ; Stevens, Peter. / School of choice or schools’ choice? Intersectional correspondence testing on ethnic and class discrimination in the enrolment procedure to Flemish kindergarten. In: Race Ethnicity and Education. 2020 ; Vol. 2020. pp. 1-21.
Bourabain, Dounia. / Everyday sexism and racism in the ivory tower. The experiences of female early career researchers on the intersection of gender and ethnicity in the academic workplace. In: Gender, Work and Organization. 2020 ; Vol. e-pub. pp. 1-43.
Breuls, Lars. / Retour à la case prison: Quel bilan des révocations des libérations conditionnelles par les tribunaux de l’application des peines?. 2020. Justice-en-ligne. 1 p.
Breuls, Lars. / Het Hof van Cassatie beschouwt de onderbreking van de strafuitvoering ‘Coronavirus COVID-19’ toch als een periode van strafuitvoering: Kroniek van een aangekondigd arrest. In: Fatik. 2020 ; Vol. 37, No. 167. pp. 39-40.
Breuls, Lars. / Proefschrift over vreemdelingendetentie België en Nederland. 2020. Nieuwsbrief Meldpunt Vreemdelingendetentie. 1 p.
Breuls, Lars. / Waarnaartoe met het crimmigratie-perspectief?. In: Panopticon. 2020 ; Vol. 41, No. 4. pp. 436-440.
Breuls, Lars ; Vandennieuwenhuysen, Ellen. / Het ad hoc instrumentalisme van de Commissie Bossuyt: De gevangenis als spil in het toekomstige gedwongen terugkeerbeleid?. In: Panopticon. 2020 ; Vol. 41, No. 6. pp. 550-555.
Breuls, Lars. / De implementatie van dynamische veiligheid in de penitentiaire praktijk: Reflecties op basis van vergelijkend etnografisch onderzoek in vreemdelingendetentie. In: Fatik. 2020 ; Vol. 37, No. 168. pp. 6-17.
Balogh, Rebeka ; Gadeyne, Sylvie ; Vanroelen, Christophe. / Non-standard employment and mortality in Belgian workers : A census-based investigation. In: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 2020.
Breuls, Lars. / De aanpak van transmigratie. In: Blue Minds. 2020 ; Vol. 4, No. 5. pp. 21-27.
Beyens, Kristel ; Robberechts, Jana ; Vanhouche, An-Sofie. / De coronacrisis als momentum voor het gevangeniswezen?. In: Panopticon. 2020 ; Vol. 41, No. 3. pp. 365-372.
Beyens, Kristel ; Maes, Eric. / Het lappendeken van tien jaar strafuitvoering in België. In: Panopticon. 2020 ; Vol. 41, No. 1. pp. 10-41.
Bisoffi, Daisy ; van der Vet, Irina. / Comparative analysis of the national decision-making procedures in the context of counter-radicalisation: the cases of Belgium, Italy and the United Kingdom. White Book on CVE. The Collection of Policy Papers. editor / Elodie Reuge. Brussels : H2020 Mindb4Act, 2020. pp. 81-106
Bourabain, Dounia ; Verhaeghe, Pieter-Paul. / The Conceptualization of Everyday Racism in Research on the Mental and Physical Health of Ethnic and Racial Groups: a Systematic Review. In: Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. 2020 ; Vol. 2020. pp. 1-13.
Beyens, Kristel ; Roosen, Marijke. / Electronic monitoring and rehabilitation. The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice. editor / Pamela Ugwdike ; Hannah Graham ; Fergus McNeill ; Peter Raynor ; Faye S. Taxman ; Chris Trotter. London and NY : Routledge, 2020. pp. 893-901
Bourabain, Dounia ; Westerveen, Laura ; Charafi, Safaa ; Andre, Géraldine. / Tackling Racism in Brussels: Yes We Can!. BIRMM Book. 2020.
Cornelis, L ; Smets, T ; Imeraj, L ; Gordts, F ; Lampo, A. / Wettelijk verplicht kinderpsychiatrisch onderzoek voorafgaand aan een esthetische ingreep; retrospectief dossieronderzoek. In: Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie. 2020 ; Vol. 62, No. 3. pp. 194-202.
D'Agostino, Serena ; Davesa, Ferran ; Gheuens, Jana. / The Streets are calling! Transforming institutions to address long-term challenges to democracy. 2020. 2 p. (EDGE Blog).
De Bus, Sofie ; Vanhouche, An-Sofie. / Overplaatsing minderjarigen naar gevangenis Beveren: wat met kinderrechten?. In: De Juristenkrant. 2020 ; No. 405. pp. 12-13.
D'Agostino, Serena. / Anti-Gypsyism under COVID-19 Pandemic. 2020. IES Website : Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Dierickx, Susan. / Women experiencing infertility in The Gambia: A contextualised understanding of agency, harm and violence. 2020. 245 p.
Dumortier, Franck ; Papakonstantinou, Vagelis ; De Hert, Paul. / EU sanctions against cyber-attacks and defense rights: Wanna Cry?. In: European Law Blog. 2020 ; pp. Online.
De Raedt, Kristof ; Edame, Eldi ; Janssens, Georgy ; Vissers, Ivan ; De Bus, Sofie ; Vanhouche, An-Sofie. / Het individueel detentieplan: licht aan het einde van de tunnel?. In: Fatik. 2020 ; Vol. 37, No. 168. pp. 18-27.
de Hert, Paul ; Papakonstantinou, Vagelis. / Framing Big Data in the Council of Europe and the EU data protection law systems : Adding ‘should’ to ‘must’ via soft law to address more than only individual harms. In: Computer Law and Security Review. 2020.
D'Agostino, Serena ; Tormos-Aponte, Fernando. / “Good” Opportunities and “Safe” Spaces: Towards a Critical Approach to Intersectional Social Movements?. “Good” Opportunities and “Safe” Spaces: Towards a Critical Approach to Intersectional Social Movements?. 2020.
De Bolle, Eric ; Edame, Eldi ; Janssens, Georgy ; Vissers, Ivan ; Vanhouche, An-Sofie. / De klok is geen vriend. Persoonlijke ervaringen met de coronamaatregelen in de gevangenis van Beveren. In: Fatik. 2020 ; Vol. 166. pp. 19-24.
De Hert, Paul ; Malgieri, Gianclaudio. / Article 8 ECHR compliant and foreseeable surveillance: the ECtHR’s expanded legality requirement copied by the CJEU. A discussion of surveillance case law. ECLAN Volume. editor / Valsamis Mistilegas ; Niovi Vavoula. 2020.
De Hert, Paul ; Papakonstantinou, Vagelis. / Framing Big Data in the Council of Europe and the EU data protection law systems: Adding ‘should’ to ‘must’ via soft law to address more than only individual harms. In: Computer Law & Security Review. 2020.
Deboosere, Patrick ; Persoone, Marijke. / Lang leve de vergrijzing. Berchem : EPO, 2020. 288 p.
Deboosere, Patrick. / 1.500 euro pensioen: trofee, pasmunt of valkuil?. In: Sampol. 2020 ; Vol. 27, No. 9. pp. 91-95.
Devroe, Robin ; Erzeel, Silvia ; Van Trappen, Sigrid ; Janssen, Chloé ; Lefevere, Jonas. / Le comportement de vote lié au genre: l’importance des caractéristiques individuelles et des préférences politiques des électeurs. L’électeur(trice) local(e) a ses préférences. editor / Régis Dandoy ; Jérémy Dodeigne ; Kristof Steyvers ; Tom Verthé. Vanden Broele, 2020. pp. 199-222.
Devroe, Robin ; Erzeel, Silvia ; Van Trappen, Sigrid ; Janssen, Chloé ; Lefevere, Jonas. / Gendergerelateerd stemgedrag: het belang van individuele kenmerken en beleidsvoorkeuren van kiezers. De lokale kiezer heeft zijn voorkeur. editor / Régis Dandoy ; Jérémy Dodeigne ; Kristof Steyvers ; Tom Verthé. Vanden Broele, 2020. pp. 199-221
Devroe, Robin ; Erzeel, Silvia ; Meier, Petra. / The Feminization of Belgian Local Party Politics. In: Politics of the Low Countries. 2020.
Emery, Laura ; Spruyt, Bram ; Boone, Simon ; Avermaet, Van, Piet. / The educational trajectory of Newly Arrived Migrant Students: Insights from a structural analysis of cultural capital. In: Educational Research. 2020 ; Vol. 62, No. 1. pp. 18-34.
El Moussawi, Hala ; Schuermans, Nick. / "From asylum to post-arrival geographies: Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Belgium. In: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie = Journal of Economic & Social Geography. 2020 ; pp. 1.
Erhaim, Zaina ; Badran, Yazan ; Smets, Kevin. / Epilogue: On Giving and Being a Voice. The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration. editor / Kevin Smets ; Koen Leurs ; Myria Georgiou ; Saskia Witteborn ; Radhika Gajjala. London, UK : SAGE Publications Ltd, 2020. pp. 608-614
Erkul, Ayfer. / Food refusal as a protest tool. Hunger strikes in Belgian prisons during the interwar period. In: Appetite. 2020 ; Vol. 144.
Echeverria Vicente, Nohemi Jocabeth ; Hemmerechts, Kenneth ; Kavadias, Dimokritos. / Growing up in contexts with armed conflict: Individual exposure to large-scale violence and differences in emancipative values in Colombia and Mexico. In: Politics, Culture and Socialization. 2020 ; Vol. 8, No. 1-2. pp. 5-33.
Emery, Laura ; Spruyt, Bram ; Boone, Simon ; Avermaet, Van, Piet. / The educational trajectory of Newly Arrived Migrant Students: Insights from a structural analysis of cultural capital. In: Educational Research. 2020 ; Vol. 62, No. 1. pp. 18-34.
Fuster, Gloria González ; Vazquez Maymir, Sergi. / Cross-border Access to E-Evidence: Framing the Evidence. 2020. Brussels : Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS). 18 p. (CEPS Papers in Liberty and Security in Europe).
Giacinti, Filippo ; Reuge, Elodie ; van der Vet, Irina ; Rios, Raul ; Bisoffi, Daisy ; Raven, Alice ; Sahar, Arif . / How to Foster Knowledge Partnership (Industry, Academia and Civil Society). White Book on CVE. The Collection of Policy Papers. editor / Elodie Reuge . Brussels : H2020 Mindb4Act Project, 2020. pp. 65-80
Glorieux, Anaïs ; Te Braak, Petrus ; Minnen, Joeri ; Spruyt, Bram. / PhD Survey VUB 2020 : Analyse van de gevolgen van Covid-19 op PhD kandidaten aan de VUB. Brussel : Vakgroep Sociologie / Onderzoeksgroep TOR / Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2020. 17 p.
Greefs, Hilde ; Winter, Anne. / Foreign Female Sex Workers in an Atlantic Port City: Elite Prostitution in Late Nineteenth-Century Antwerp. Migrants and the Making of the Urban-Maritime World: Agency and Mobility in Port Cities, c. 1570–1940. editor / Reimann Christina ; Öhman Martin. Routledge, 2020. pp. 195-221 (Routledge Advances in Urban History).
Greefs, Hilde ; Winter, Anne. / Cities in Motion: Mobility, Migration Selectivity and Demographic Change in Belgian Cities, 1846-1910. Inequality and the City in the Low Countries (1200-2020). editor / Bruno Blondé ; Sam Geens ; Hilde Greefs ; Wouter Ryckbosch ; Tim Soens ; Peter Stabel. Brepols Publishers, 2020. pp. 79-100 (Studies in European Urban History).
Hanard, Estelle ; Verfaillie, Kristof ; De Kimpe, Sofie. / The role of the local police in counterterrorism : Interim fieldwork report. AFFECT Research Network, 2020. 38 p.
Hucklesby, Anthea ; Beyens, Kristel ; Boone, Miranda. / Comparing electronic monitoring regimes: length, breadth, depth, weight equals tightness. In: Punishment & Society. 2020.
Hanard, Estelle ; Verfaillie, Kristof ; De Kimpe, Sofie. / Police culture: a state-of-the-art. AFFECT Research Network, 2020. 13 p.
Imeraj, Lena ; Finney, Nissa ; Gadeyne, Sylvie. / Demographic dynamics across urban settings and implications for urban geographies. In: Population, Space and Place. 2020.
Janssen, Chloé ; Van Trappen, Sigrid. / Ethnicité, genre et intersectionnalité : les multiples facettes du vote ethnique en Belgique. L’électeur(trice) local(e) a ses préférences. editor / Régis Dandoy ; Jérémy Dodeigne ; Kristof Steyvers ; Tom Verthé. Vanden Broele, 2020.
Janssen, Chloé ; Van Trappen, Sigrid. / Etniciteit, gender en intersectionaliteit: de verschillende facetten van etnische stemmen in België. De lokale kiezer heeft zijn voorkeur. editor / Régis Dandoy ; Jérémy Dodeigne ; Kristof Steyvers ; Tom Verthé. Vanden Broele, 2020.
Janssen, Chloé ; Erzeel, Silvia ; Celis, Karen. / Intersectional candidate nomination: how district and party factors shape the inclusion of ethnic minority men and women in Brussels. In: Acta Politica. 2020.
Janssen, Chloé. / Shaping the (Dis)Advantage: The Impact of Partisan and Demographic Factors on Ethnic Minority Candidates’ Success in Preferential Voting Systems. Evidence from the Brussels case. In: Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 2020.
Janssen, Jeroen ; Spruyt, Bram ; Vandenbroeck, Michel. / Is everybody happy? Exploring the predictability of parent satisfaction with childcare in Flanders. In: Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 2021 ; Vol. 55, No. (Second Quarter). pp. 97-106.
Joris, Willem ; De Cock, Rozane ; De Coninck, David ; Heinderyckx, François ; Matthys, Koen ; Mazzocchetti, Jacinthe ; Mertens, Stefan ; Smets, Kevin ; Sundin, Ebba ; d'Haenens, Leen. / IM²MEDIATE - Images of Immigrants in the Media: Thought-provoking Effects. Final Report. Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020. 28 p.
Keppens, Gil Antoine ; Spruyt, Bram. / The impact of interventions to prevent truancy: A review of the research literature. In: Studies in Educational Evaluation. 2020 ; Vol. 65, No. June. pp. 1-11.
Knops, Louise. / On the love and rage of Extinction Rebellion. In: Green European Journal. 2020
Lafaut, Dirk ; Coene, Gily. / “I was trying to speak to their human side” Coping responses of Belgium’s undocumented migrants to barriers in health-care access. In: International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care. 2020.
Lambert, Bart ; Ormrod, W. Mark. / The State and the Immigrant: Negotiating Nationalities in Later Medieval England. Migrants in Medieval England, c. 500-1500. editor / W. Mark Ormrod ; Joanna Story ; Elizabeth Tyler. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020. pp. 298-325 (Proceedings of the British Academy).
Lambert, Bart. / Ad van der Zee: De Wendische Oorlog: Holland, Amsterdam en de Hanze in de Vijftiende Eeuw. In: BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review. 2020.
Lambert, Bart. / Citizenry and Nationality: The Participation of Immigrants in Urban Politics in Later Medieval England. In: History Workshop Journal. 2020 ; Vol. 90.
Liebling, Alison ; Johnsen, Berit ; Schmidt, Bethany ; Rokkan, Tore ; Beyens, Kristel ; Boone, Miranda ; Kox, Mieke ; Vanhouche, An-Sofie. / Where two ‘exceptional’ prison cultures meet: Negotiating order in a transnational prison. In: British Journal of Criminology. 2020.
Lievens, Jeroen ; de Vooght, Ilse ; Mullens, Francisca ; Verbeylen, Julie ; Glorieux, Ignace ; Meire, Johan. / Actieonderzoek 30-urenwerkweek: Rapport. Brussel : Femma vzw, 2020. 63 p.
Matthieu, Joke ; Vrydagh, Julien ; Caluwaerts, Didier ; Erzeel, Silvia. / The Democratic Credentials of Youth Parliaments.The Case of the Belgian Jeugd Parlement Jeunesse. In: Journal of Legislative Studies. 2020 ; Vol. 26, No. 2. pp. 204-222.
Mastari, Laora Noémie ; Spruyt, Bram ; Siongers, Jessy. / Sociale verschillen in genderidentiteit en seksistische houdingen bij jongeren in Vlaanderen. In: Welwijs. 2020 ; Vol. 31, No. 2. pp. 14-17.
Matthieu, Joke ; Vrydagh, Julien ; Caluwaerts, Didier ; Erzeel, Silvia. / The Democratic Credentials of Youth Parliaments.The Case of the Belgian Jeugd Parlement Jeunesse. In: Journal of Legislative Studies. 2020 ; Vol. 26, No. 2. pp. 204-222.
Mullens, Francisca ; Glorieux, Ignace. / Not Enough Time? Leisure and Multiple Dimensions of Time Wealth. In: Leisure Sciences. 2020.
Mullens, Francisca ; Verbeylen, Julie ; Glorieux, Ignace. / Time-use research on the effects of a 30-hour workweek: Report. Brussels : Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2020. 76 p.
Mullens, Francisca ; Verbeylen, Julie ; Glorieux, Ignace. / Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek naar de effecten van de 30-urenwerkweek: Rapport. Brussel : Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2020. 75 p.
Mullens, Francisca ; Verbeylen, Julie ; Glorieux, Ignace. / Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek naar de effecten van de 30-urenwerkweek: technisch verslag. Brussel : Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2020. 41 p.
Mullens, Francisca ; Glorieux, Ignace. / Vrijetijdsbesteding van tijdsrijken en tijdsarmen. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2020. 38 p.
Ninsiima, Anna B. ; Coene, Gily ; Michielsen, Kristien ; Najjuka, Solome ; Kemigisha, Elizabeth ; Ruzaaza, Gad Ndaruhutse ; Nyakato, Viola N. ; Leye, Els. / Institutional and contextual obstacles to sexuality education policy implementation in Uganda. In: Sex Education. 2020 ; Vol. 20, No. 1. pp. 17-32.
Nederlandt, Olivia ; Vanhouche, An-Sofie. / Les maisons de transition : miroir aux alouettes ou pied dans la porte ?. Le coût du système pénal. editor / Christine Guillain ; Damien Scalia. Bruxelles : La Charte, 2020. pp. 31-64
Nshokano Kashironge, Dan ; Smis, Stefaan ; Mushagalusa Rwabashi, Jean-Paul. / ‘L’imposition des quotas ethniques dans le secteur privé au Burundi : Une lecture au regard au droit international des droits de l’homme’. In: Revue de Droit Africain. 2020 ; Vol. 94. pp. 157-212.
Nusselder, Wilma J ; Rubio Valverde, José ; Bopp, Matthias ; Brønnum-Hansen, Henrik ; Deboosere, Patrick ; Kalediene, Ramune ; Kovács, Katalin ; Leinsalu, Mall ; Martikainen, Pekka ; Menvielle, Gwenn ; Regidor, Enrique ; Wojtyniak, Bodgan ; Mackenbach, Johan P. / Determinants of inequalities in years with disability : an international-comparative study. In: European Journal of Public Health. 2020.
Nshokano Kashironge, Dan ; Smis, Stefaan ; Mushagalusa Rwabashi, Jean-Paul. / The FG Hemisphere Case: Congo's Resistance to Investor-State Arbitration or Just a Malaise with Vulture Funds?. In: TDM (Leidschendam). 2020.
Papakonstantinou, Vagelis ; De Hert, Paul. / Refusing to award Legal Personality to AI: Why the European Parliament got it Wrong. In: European Law Blog. 2020.
Palència, Laia ; Gotsens, Mercè ; Marí-Dell'Olmo, Marc ; Bosakova, Lucia ; Burström, Bo ; Costa, Cláudia ; Deboosere, Patrick ; Dzurova, Dagmar ; Lustigova, Michala ; Morrison, Joana ; Santana, Paula ; Borrell, Carme. / Efecto de la reciente crisis económica en las desigualdades socioeconómicas en la mortalidad en nueve áreas urbanas europeas. In: Gaceta Sanitaria. 2020 ; Vol. 34, No. 3. pp. 253-260.
Roos, Christof ; Westerveen, Laura. / The conditionality of EU freedom of movement: Normative change in the discourse of EU institutions. In: Journal of European Social Policy. 2020 ; Vol. 30, No. 1. pp. 63-78.
Rigotti, Carlotta ; Weatherburn, Amy ; De Hert, Paul. / EXIT Europe Deliverable 6.3 Impact Assessment of EXIT Europe against the ARTES Requirements. 2020. 62 p.
Ryckbosch, Wouter ; de Mûelenaere, Nel ; Lambert, Bart. / Beter na de Plaag? De impact van gezondheidscrisissen op samenleving en economie in het verleden. Post viraal naar een nieuw normaal : VUB-stemmen over de impact van corona op onze samenleving. editor / Malaika Brengman. VUBPRESS, 2020. pp. 85-92
Rios, Raul ; van der Vet, Irina. / European Union Trends in Prevention of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism: Experiences of European Stakeholders. White Book on CVE. The Collection of Policy Papers. editor / Elodie Reuge . Brussels : H2020 Mindb4Act Project, 2020. pp. 107-123
Robberechts, Jana ; Beyens, Kristel. / PrisonCloud: The Beating Heart of the Digital Prison Cell. The Prison Cell: Embodied and Everyday Spaces of Incarceration. editor / Jennifer Turner ; Victoria Knight. London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. pp. 283-303
Ryckbosch, Wouter ; de Mûelenaere, Nel ; Lambert, Bart. / De zegeningen van de zwarte dood. In: EOS magazine. 2020.
Rigotti, Carlotta ; Weatherburn, Amy ; De Hert, Paul. / EXIT Europe Deliverable 6.3 Impact Assessment of EXIT Europe against the ARTES Requirements. 2020. 62 p.
Schneider, Hanna Elisabeth. / ‘And then they issued an ultimatum’: Ethical and practical considerations for conducting fieldwork in volatile and research-crowded settings. 2020.
Slominski, Peter ; Trauner, Florian. / Reforming me softly: how soft law has changed EU return policy since the migration crisis. In: West European Politics. 2020.
Swyngedouw, Eva. / Reeling in Newcomers: Urban Competition around Migrant Reception in Brussels. In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 2020 ; Vol. 44, No. 3. pp. 395-414.
Smets, Kevin. / Waarom we niet zomaar moeten geloven wie dé Vlaming is. In: Knack.be. 2020.
Smets, Kevin. / Pourqoui "le" Flamand n'existe pas. In: Le Soir. 2020.
Schepers, Marjolein. / Book Review. Justin Colson and Arie van Steensel (eds.), Cities and Solidarities. Urban Communities in Pre-Modern Europe. In: Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History. 2020 ; Vol. 17, No. 2. pp. 95-96.
Schepers, Marjolein. / From Nativism to the Inclusion of Immigrants: Settlement and Poor Relief in Eighteenth-Century Bruges. In: Journal of Migration History. 2020 ; Vol. 6, No. 2. pp. 151-181.
Severs, Eline. / Theorising representation fairness: why we need to account for social groups. The Edges of Political Representation. Mapping, Critiquing and Pushing the Boundaries. editor / Mihnea Tanasescu ; Claire Dupont. ECPR Press, 2020. pp. 82-102
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