How to use BIRMM to generate societal impact with your research?
Join us for the BIRMM Member Day!
When: February 12, 2025
Where: Pleinlaan 5, Room Rome and Lisbon (-1 floor)
On February 12, 2025, BIRMM researchers will come together for our Member Day—an event to explore how we can amplify the societal impact of our research through BIRMM’s valorization initiatives.
We’ll focus on four valorization formats—policy briefs, podcasts, video series, and exhibitions—that help communicate research findings and engage effectively with stakeholders. This day is an opportunity to discuss ongoing research projects and ideas for valorization, to exchange experiences and best practices in research valorization and shape collaborations to maximize our societal impact.
Who is this day for?
This event is open to all VUB researchers working on migration, diversity, and related topics. Whether you’re just curious about research valorization, taking your first steps, or already experienced, you are welcome.
Register HERE.