European and African Perspectives on Migration and Democracy
This debate will provide young migrant scholars and activists from the Global South to present their perspectives on migration and democracy. While the topic has long been capturing headlines, the voices of African experts all too often receive not enough attention. What is their view on the EU’s externalization strategies? To what extent do democracy (or the lack thereof) and migration actually relate to one another? How to position vis-à-vis controversial agreements such as the UK-Rwanda deal to transfer asylum seekers to the African state? What do African activists and migration scholars suggest regarding the cooperation with the EU on migration issues in general?
The event will take place in a hybrid format:
Registration for in-person attendance is closed
If you'd like to attend online, please click here to register
The panel debate is to be opened by Hon. Ndey Haddy Jeng, Chargé d’Affaires Ad Interim at The Gambia Embassy in Brussels and Mission to the European Union.
Welcoming remarks by Florian Trauner, Director of the Research Centre for Migration, Diversity and Justice at the VUB- Brussels School of Governance
Panel Discussion and interaction with:
- Wandifadza Chivaura, Policy and Project Officer at the European Passengers Federation (EPF).
- Sophie Blandin, post graduate student from VUB - Brussels School of Governance and Maastricht University.
- Koat Diw Gach, founding member of the Africa Students Community (ASCOM) and master student at VUB & Ghent University
- Johnny Velcy, security, peace, and conflict studies at Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Ilke Adam, co-director of the Research Centre for Migration, Diversity and Justice at the Brussels School of Governance
The Programme will be moderated by Jimmy Hendry Nzally, Senior Researcher focuses on Regime Change and Democratization in Africa