Sara da Conceicao Pereira Silvestre
Sara Silvestre holds a double Ph.D. in Political Science and Public Policy from the Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (IES-VUB), and ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal (ISCTE-IUL).
She is a Research Project Officer at the Brussels School of Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BSoG-VUB: alliance between IES-VUB and Vesalius College). She is also an Associate Researcher in the Research Centre for Migration, Diversity and Justice at BSoG-VUB, and a member of the Brussels Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Migration and Minorities (BIRMM-VUB). Her research interests include EU policy-making; Europeanisation; negotiation behavior and strategies; migration and asylum policies.
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